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School of Public Health Faculty Workload and Grader Support (bargaining update)

February 23, 2018 / PSU-AAUP

We last reported on January 4 that bargaining was scheduled over a policy on grader support for faculty in the School of Public Health (SPH).

José Padín and Phil Lesch, representing PSU-AAUP, met with Jill Rissi and Julia Getchell, representing the administration, on February 13, to discuss an initial proposal brought by Rissi.

At this meeting, we started to examine an alternative measure for an equitable and transparent determination of grader support needs, based on a faculty’s estimate of the time it should take, on average, to grade each student assignment planned for a course. This method, in addition to having the virtues of transparency and equity, makes it possible to take into account the differences between courses, and it also allows a department to estimate its overall need for grading support. PSU-AAUP agreed to draft the new counter proposal based on this alternative measure.

The next bargaining session is March 5, 9-10:30am.

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