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Remote Work Schedules

April 21, 2022 / PSU-AAUP

While many of our members appreciate remote work options, we find PSU’s top-down approach damaging. PSU-AAUP and administration have worked hard at the bargaining table to generate flexible schedule options for our Academic Professionals that fit the specific needs of each member, while recognizing that certain restrictions and options may not be available in certain circumstances. PSU’s push for uniformity in scheduling and push to place administrative and supervisor preferences above the needs of our members is disrespectful to the spirit of the work we did during bargaining, and in some cases represents a violation of the flexible schedule language.  
Finally, we are incredibly concerned by Associate Vice Provost Gene Sandan’s demand that Academic Advisors and Career Counselors that want to work remote two days a week must agree to work 6 hours on nights and weekends and if they want to work more remote days, then have to agree to work even more on nights and weekends. This kind of coercive administrative tactic is yet another example of why morale among our Academic Professionals is at an all time low. PSU-AAUP has filed a Grievance and a Demand to Bargain related to AVP Sandan’s directive.
If you or others are experiencing similar backlash regarding remote work options, please be in contact with your unit rep or email

We have received information that some units have been given the opportunity to implement a two day/week remote work schedule. We have expressed our concerns to administration and have filed both a group grievance and a demand to bargain over the implementation of this “one-size fits all” scheduling model. 

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