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Picket at Voodoo Old Town!

July 07, 2021 / PSU-AAUP

Help support workers recently fired from Voodoo Doughnut for going out on a safety strike to protest unbearable and dangerous working conditions during the heatwave - just the latest incidence in a year of union-related struggles for Voodoo workers.


From PDX Jobs with Justice:

Working conditions for food service workers also reached a boiling point this past week. As the temperature climbed inside Voodoo Doughnut, shop conditions became unbearable and doughnut workers fell ill. As management was wholly unresponsive, workers went out on a safety strike. How does a bad boss respond? By firing workers defending their health and safety. Members of the JwJ Coalition responded by joining Doughnut Workers United to let Voodoo management know that firing workers for going on a safety strike is outrageous - as well as illegal. We joined unionists interrupting HR in the process of illegally firing workers on their return to work and let them know there will be a response and we are watching. Indeed, the world is watching, as news of the firing rocketed across the country; the video of the action by JwJ alone got over 20K views!

Let's come together with a mass picket at Voodoo Old Town (22 SW 3rd)- Thursday July 29 at 6pm to say "No more illegal firings. Hire back workers! Union Busting is Disgusting!"

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