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New Memorandums of Agreement (MOAs) Completed and Going Out for Ratification

April 21, 2020 / PSU-AAUP

The COVID-19 crisis created a number of issues for our members, and our Collective Bargaining Team took these concerns to administration. We successfully negotiated several MOAs to address these urgent issues. Five MOAs have now been completed, approved by our union’s Executive Council, and are ready for members to review. 

Before these MOAs go into effect they must first be approved by a ratification vote of our members. These MOA’s will go out to all members for a ratification vote at the end of this week. Look out for the ratification vote and please participate. The Executive Council recommends these MOAs for ratification. Many thanks to the members of our collective bargaining team (CBT) for all their hard work.

Here is a summary of the Memorandums of Agreement (MOAs) that we are asking you to ratify:

  1. IPDA roll-over MOA
    Authorizes the roll over of funds in Individual Professional Development Accounts (IPDAs) that would have been lost at the end of this fiscal year (June 30, 2020) for an extra year.

  2. Research and Graduate Studies (RGS) staff reductions MOA
    Mitigates the potential negative impact of RGS staff reductions on Principal Investigators (PIs) and Department Research Administrators (DRAs): PIs will be able to have impact on their research productivity noted and taken into account in promotion materials. DRAs will receive protections against overloads.

  3. Clarification of Post-Tenure Review timeline for mid-year hires.

  4. Clarification of Post-Tenure Review (PTR) frequency and salary increases for faculty on less than 1.0 FTE appointments.
    These faculty will go through the PTR with the same frequency (every 5 years) and the full salary increase will be applied to the base salary for their position (with actual salary prorated by FTE).

  5. New and replacement DUO-FOBs for faculty and APs who want an alternative to mobile phones for two-factor authentication.


There are several other MOAs that are close to completion, and we therefore expect a second bundle to go out for ratification soon. Most of these MOAs have been developed to offset the impact of a prolonged period of remote work forced by the COVID-19 crisis. They focus specifically on: 

  • Tenure clock adjustment options

  • Faculty Enhancement Grant timeline extensions

  • Academic Professionals’ annual evaluation (extensions; suspension of evaluation for remote work during the COVID-19 crisis)

  • Extensions to start-up packages

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