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Promoting Quality Higher Education– An Investment in Oregon’s Future


EC Endorses Higher Ed and Divestment Campaigns

August 19, 2021 / PSU-AAUP

On August 19, 2021, PSU-AAUP Executive Council voted to endorse the Higher Ed Labor Vision Platform and the Divest Oregon Campaign. 


Higher Ed Labor Vision Platform

The platform consists of commitments to be undertaken by the higher education labor movement to promote reinvestment in higher education, unionization and collective bargaining, an end to precarious contingent employment, reduction of administrative bloat and excessive compensation, shared governance, and financial transparency, among other goals. The platform closely aligns with PSU-AAUP’s own values and commitments.

Divest Oregon Campaign

The campaign demands that the State Treasurer and the Oregon Investment Council immediately halt any new investments in fossil fuels and, by 2026, phase out current fossil fuel investments. The campaign draws attention not only to the adverse impact of such investment on climate change but also the below-market return on such investments, which generate funds for retirement plans like PERS.


You can find all our association endorsements and positions here.

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