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Forget MOOCs—Let’s Use MOOA

November 13, 2013 / PSU-AAUP

As colleges begin using massive open online courses (MOOC) to reduce faculty costs, a Johns Hopkins University professor has announced plans for MOOA (massive open online administrations). Dr. Benjamin Ginsberg, author of The Fall of the Faculty, says that many colleges and universities face the same administrative issues every day. read more >


President’s Weekly Message: A Budget Crisis or a Priorities Crisis? - November 11, 2013

November 11, 2013 / PSU-AAUP

Announcements: 1. Rally for Last Bargaining Date: Nov. 19th, Noon, SMSU - watch for details! 2. Joint AAUP-Faculty Senate Budget Forum, Monday, Nov. 25th, 3 - 5 pm, CH 53 3. Contract Expires Nov. 30th 4. Bargaining Mediation Dates Set: Dec. 18th & 19th News 1. Executive Payroll Soars at PSU, Despite Ongoing Budget Cuts 2. Prioritize Academics, if We Really Must Cut Again read more >


President’s Weekly Message: Hardball at the Bargaining Table- October 28, 2013

October 28, 2013 / PSU-AAUP

1. Fun Facts! Administrative Pay, Part 1! 2. Hardball Tactics at the Bargaining Table to Shove Us Backward 3. What You Can Do Now to Push for a Decent Contract 4. Sign Adjunct Faculty's On-line Petition 5. PSU-AAUP Sponsored Workshop Bullying in the Workplace: How to Create a Health Workplace Environment, Nov 6th, Noon, SMSU 327-328 read more >


Bargaining Report #9, October 4, 2013

October 06, 2013 / PSU-AAUP

At our ninth Bargaining Session, October 4, 2013, more than 150 of our members came to support our AAUP-PSU Bargaining Team. From 12:15 until 12:45, they lined the hallway outside the bargaining room in the Market Center Building holding signs and chanting for a fair contract. The Administration’s team was unwilling to conduct negotiations until the hallway was cleared. More than another hour passed before their team entered the bargaining room where the AAUP-PSU team had waited patiently. read more >


UO, faculty strike a deal

September 27, 2013 / PSU-AAUP

In a tentative agreement, the new union’s members will get annual raises of about 6% for the next two years read more >


Bargaining Report 8

September 13, 2013 / PSU-AAUP

At our eighth Bargaining Session, September 10, 2013, the AAUP-PSU Bargaining Team heard proposals from the Administration on the following articles: Article 8 (Past Practices), Article 11 (Released Time), Article 17 (Academic Professionals) , Article 18 (Fixed-term and Research Faculty), Article 35 (Personnel Files), AAUP New Article (Academic Quality), and AAUP New Article (Parental Leave and Catastrophic Leave Bank) read more >

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