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Battle for Texas

July 07, 2014 / PSU-AAUP

President of UT Austin told to quit or be fired -- and he resists. Faculty leaders say regents -- allies of Governor Rick Perry -- are attempting "coup" against respected academic leader. read more >


AAUP Grievance regarding SHAC Closure

July 03, 2014 / PSU-AAUP

This past winter 2013 SHAC leadership decided to close SHAC and force AAUP members to use vacation or unpaid leave December 24-27. This is the first time a unit of PSU made the decision to close independent of the University Closure policy read more >


AAUP Grievance Settlement- Communications Policy Changes October 2013

July 03, 2014 / PSU-AAUP

In October the University promulgated the PSU Communication Procedure requiring a new communications authorization reimbursement form.This new policy aggregated and altered the existing “Wireless Communication Policy and Allowance” and the “Broadband Internet Service Reimbursement Policy.” read more >


California Grad Employee Contract Shows Reform Works

June 27, 2014 / PSU-AAUP

Their new deal makes gains on pay and on a raft of social justice issues--including class size, child care, parental leave, breastfeeding stations, opportunities for undocumented students, and all-gender bathrooms. Here's how they did it. read more >

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