Association Policy
1. Association Release Time Policy
2. Hudson Procedure - POLICY RESCINDED 07-26-18
3. Association Code of Conduct Policy
4. Executive Director Position - POLICY RESCINDED 12-15-17
5. Communications
6. Legislative Review, Endorsements, and Non-legislative Endorsements Procedure
7. Appointments to Committees
8. Responsibilities of Participation - POLICY RESCINDED 03-02-23
9. Ballot Protocols in Executive Council Elections
10. Conferences and Conference Travel
11. Deadline for Reimbursement Requests
12. Employment Policies and Procedures
13. Portfolio Holder Laptop Policy
14. PSU Assistance Fund Policy
15. Document Retention Policy
1. Association Release Time Policy
Adopted June 30, 2009
Revised January 26, 2023
PSU-AAUP is a volunteer activist organization and our work is dependent upon the dedication of bargaining unit members who give their free time to help improve wages and working conditions at PSU.
The Executive Council recognizes that some of the work we must do as the exclusive representative of bargaining unit members requires release from regular work duties. To that end, release time is funded by the Association from dues paid by the membership.
Release time shall be authorized as follows:
- The Executive Council shall authorize release time to enable work on behalf of the Association. The Executive Council may authorize release time to any member of the Association.
- Any member of the Executive Council may propose a release time project to the Executive Council for consideration.
- The Executive Council shall not authorize release time as compensation for any work previously performed.
- Release time shall be for work essential to the Association's mission.
- The Executive Council shall authorize release time only for work that is otherwise unlikely to be performed on a voluntary basis because it is excessively burdensome or pressing.
- The Executive Council shall not authorize release time unless the Treasurer certifies that the Association has a sufficient funds.
- Release time shall be authorized only in accordance with the release time provisions in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
- Members on release time shall submit a memo to the President or their designee, once per year and at the conclusion of service, describing the work performed.
- Members on release time are expected to be in regular communication with Association leadership and staff.
- Members on release shall notify the President or their designee of all work absences longer than 5 days.
June 30, 2009: Initial Adoption
August 28, 2009: Revision 2 adopted with new release time form
October 15, 2020: 9. Add. 10. remove form and date and time task logging and replace with summary. Grant Amnesty to past due reports. 12. Delete requirement for release time recipients to be able to send additional reports to EC upon request.
January 26, 2023: Removed additional sentence jargon. Removed email address language from 9, communication provision. Updated instances of reporting to Executive Director and replaced with President or their designee.
3. Association Code of Conduct Policy
Adopted October 15, 2009
Revised May 02, 2023
As an employer, the Association has an obligation to protect the Title VII rights of its employees to a work environment free of discrimination, hostility, harassment, or threats of violence. The Association seeks to assure its employees work in an environment that, at all times, is consistent with both Title VII protections, but also the University’s Professional Standards of Conduct Policy. Further details of non-discrimination, non-harassment, and a healthy and safe work environment for employees can be found in Association Policy 12 – Employment Policy.
Nothing in this policy should be interpreted to obviate the Association of its duty to fairly and equally represent all bargaining unit members in those areas where the Association is the exclusive representative.
The Executive Council acknowledges that behavior that violates the University’s Professional Standards of Conduct Policy creates an unwelcome work environment for Association employees, builds mistrust, limits the Association’s ability to communicate truthfully, and generally undermines the Association’s ability to operate effectively both in internal matters and in representing member interests with the public employer.
The Executive Council affirms that the same standards of behavior expected of bargaining unit members in the University’s Professional Standards of Conduct Policy shall extend to treatment of Association employees. The Association expects bargaining unit members who interact in any capacity with Association staff to comport themselves in a professional manner, free of anger, harassment, discrimination, taunting, bullying, and/or threatening or violent behavior.
Should a staff member feel intimidated, threatened, or concerned by a bargaining unit member’s unprofessional behavior, they shall follow this procedure to limit their exposure to that unprofessional behavior.
- If the staff member is comfortable doing so, they should notify the bargaining unit member who is behaving unprofessionally that their behavior is unprofessional and unwelcome. Following this communication, the staff member may discontinue the phone call, interrupt the bargaining unit member and ask them to leave the office, get up and leave the office themselves, and/or call their supervisor or co-worker, campus security, or local law enforcement and ask for immediate assistance. The staff member may use their best judgment to immediately remove themselves from any and all unprofessional, threatening, violent, or potentially violent behavior.
- All unprofessional behavior should be reported to the staff member’s direct supervisor. If the employee did not discuss the bargaining unit member’s behavior directly with the bargaining unit member, the direct supervisor will consult with the employee to develop an agreed upon action plan. This plan may include the supervisor intervening with the bargaining unit member on the employee’s behalf. If the behavior comes from the direct supervisor, the staff member shall notify a member of the personnel committee. Employees may also refer to the grievance procedures outlined in Association Policy 12 – Employment Policy.
- If the bargaining unit member does not respond appropriately when their negative behavior is interrupted either by the employee or the employee’s direct supervisor, the supervisor shall contact the bargaining unit member to discuss the behavior, its impact, the University’s Professional Standards of Conduct Policy, and this Association policy.
- If the supervisor remains concerned for the welfare of Association staff after contact with the bargaining unit member, then the issue shall be brought to the Association President who may choose to bring the matter to the Personnel Committee, or the supervisor may directly bring the issue to the Personnel Committee if the behavior comes from the Association President.
- The Association President and Personnel Committee shall determine the best course of action to limit further exposure to that inappropriate behavior. The safety and well being of Association staff will be the preeminent concern determining that course of action. As such, the Association President and Personnel Committee will connect the staff member with appropriate resources to support their well-being. The course of action taken may include submitting complaints to the bargaining unit member’s supervisor, or engage in other University complaint and reporting processes.
- The Code of Conduct policy shall be posted in a conspicuous location at the PSU-AAUP office and on the PSU-AAUP website.
Should a bargaining unit member feel they have been unfairly treated upon invocation of this policy, they may seek remedy through the Association Grievance Process in the PSU-AAUP Bylaws.
May 2, 2023 Removed instances of Executive Director and replaced with direct supervisor. Introduces a Personnel Committee created as a means for staff or direct supervisors to report to.
5. Communications
Adopted March 3, 2011
Revised April 11, 2023
It is important that Association leaders adhere to this communications policy in order to ensure that consistent messaging is put forth in alignment with policies and stances taken by the Executive Council. All leaders should follow this policy in all communications situations.
Communication Types
- “Internal communication” is defined as any communication, in any form, to the bargaining unit or any subset of it.
- “External communication” is defined as any communication, in any form, to the public. The public includes, but is not limited to: Portland State University as a whole, the media, allies (i.e. other unions, professional associations, lobbying partners), public events (e.g., rallies, presentations), workshops, and students.
- Unless otherwise specified, the term “communication” will be used in this policy to cover both internal and external communications.
Approved Spokespers
- Per Article III (7) of the Constitution & Bylaws, the President is the spokesperson for the Chapter; they may delegate this responsibility to others.
- Executive Council members and Association leaders (e.g., committee or task force chairs) may not speak on behalf of the Association unless they have been asked to do so by the President and their communication has been reviewed and approved by the President or their designee.
- All Executive Council members and Association leaders retain the right to communicate as individuals. Association leaders should take care in public commentary they make as individuals to be clear that they are speaking as individuals, and not as representatives of the Association.
Communications Infrastructure
- The Vice-President of Communications and the Communications Committee are responsible, in coordination with appropriate staff support, for executing communications on a daily basis, as described in Constitution & Bylaws Article (III)(7)(e).
- As directed by the President and Vice-President for Communications, appropriate staff will maintain communications infrastructure (e.g., email, website, social media).
- For the purpose of this policy, the term “Endorsement” will cover a range of definitions including endorsements, sponsorships, co-sponsorship and financial support.
- Any endorsements will be credited to Portland State University Chapter of the American Association of University Professors.
- Association members in good standing may propose or request endorsements. Any proposed endorsements must be first submitted to the Legislative and Political Action committee for approval and then shall be passed on to the Executive Council at least 10 calendar days in advance of the Executive Council meeting at which the Endorsement will be discussed and/or brought to vote.
- Persons submitting such requests are encouraged to provide accompanying documents that provide as much detail as possible on the proposal, and to be available to present to the Executive Council should they have questions.
- Any paperwork relating to Endorsements shall be signed by the Association President or their designee.
April 11, 2023: Streamlined language. Updated Public Speaking section to “Approved Spokespersons”. Removed instances of “volunteer” and replaced with “leader”. Removed Communication Strategy and Mass Emails sections as strategic plan and language regarding volume and frequency of email is not relevant to the above policy.
6. Legislative Review, Endorsements, and Non-legislative Endorsements Procedure
Adopted April 7, 2011
Revised April 4, 2023
Legislative Review
The Executive Council will appoint a Legislative Committee, chaired by the Vice President for Legislative and Political Action, which will review proposed or potential legislation and act as the Association’s deliberative body on all potential legislation.
The legislation tracked by the Association will fall into these broad categories:
- Higher education in Oregon and the region, especially issues directly affecting PSU-AAUP membership in their educational roles (this can include a range of issues, from funding to legislation on guns on campus and other public buildings to intellectual property in relation to faculty and research)
- Education in general (legislation affecting K-14 with potential corollary impact on higher education policy)
- Public employment (this includes PEBB/OEBB health insurance offerings, PERS, PECBA)
- Labor Issues in general (health insurance system changes, FMLA, OFLA, minimum wage laws, workers compensation)
- State Government fiscal and budget issues (includes legislation on Revenue and Taxation)
- At the request of AAUP National or AFT National.
- Issues directly affecting the overall health and welfare of the PSU community.
The Executive Council recognizes the priority of category 1, the one where our input on potential legislation is unique. The proposed legislation in the other categories are more effectively lobbied by the other labor organizations more experienced in the political process that have endorsed and elected candidates and have access, clout, and leverage with legislators whom they have supported.
The Association will monitor and lobby potential legislation through the following process:
- The Vice President for Legislative and Political Action will, in conjunction with AAUP-OR, review all introduced bills that fall in the categories above and establish tracking mechanisms for the potential legislation.
- The Legislative Committee shall review positions, amendments, and degree of support for potential legislation that fall in Category 1. The Vice President for Legislative and Political Action will then recommend to the Executive Council appropriate endorsements or other actions.
- Designated Staff and member leaders will participate in lobbying potential legislation in the other categories consistent with our interests as public employees to the degree they deem appropriate to supplement the efforts of our coalition partners.
- Nothing in this policy will prohibit or limit the Executive Council from taking a position on any potential legislation of interest. Before a motion is entertained by the Executive Council on a legislative matter, any Executive Council member may request that the Legislative Committee review the legislation in question. The Legislative Committee will review and provide a recommendation to Executive Council expeditiously as possible.
Any concept for legislation will be introduced to the Executive Council by the maker of the concept, or their designee. The council will then refer the concept to the Legislative Committee. The committee will deliberate over and prepare a written statement on the concept, including a recommendation on whether to approve the concept. The statement will be forwarded to the Executive Council, which will consider it for approval.
Non-legislative Endorsements
There are times when the Executive Council considers non-legislative endorsements. These could include movements and interests related to higher education, K-12 education, and labor issues and solidarity, as well as those affairs affecting the working and living conditions of PSU-AAUP bargaining unit members and PSU students. These endorsements may be introduced to the Executive Council by any PSU-AAUP member, or by any Executive Council member.
Collaboration with Affiliate Groups
PSU-AAUP is a member of AAUP-OR as well as AFT-OR, which both have political and social movement interests. The Association will work with these groups as appropriate to endorse legislation and other endorsement proposals. The Vice President for Legislative and Political Action will interface with these statewide efforts through mutual coordination and lobbying and will regularly report these activities to the EC.
April 4, 2023: The Legislative Committee is now appointed by the VP for Legislative and Political Action. Added 6 and 7 to Legislative Review section. The VP for Leg replaces any instance of Executive Director. Added Non-Legislative Endorsements and Collaboration with Affiliate Groups sections.
7. Appointments to Committees
Adopted Setpember 21, 2015
Revised January 26, 2023
This policy is established to provide consistent procedures for the appointment and oversight of PSU-AAUP members appointed to represent the Association on committees. All applicable appointments shall be made by the President and be subject to ratification by the Executive Council.
This policy shall apply to the appointment of representatives to committees, task forces, strategic initiatives or any other external workgroup to which PSU-AAUP has been invited to send, nominate, or appoint a representative. Only dues-paying members of the Association are eligible to be appointed to such committees.
- The President shall announce the opportunity for appointment and solicit interest in the appointment. The President may ask the Executive Councilors to provide the names of potential appointees.
- The proposed appointment shall be placed on an upcoming Executive Council agenda. The agenda item shall include a statement from the nominee explaining their interest in the position.
- The Executive Council shall accept or reject the nomination by a majority vote.
- Once the nominee is appointed, the appointment will be confirmed in a letter of appointment from the President to the appointee to include the title of the committee, the expected time commitment, the term of the appointment, and the expected outcomes of the committee, if any.
- The President or their designee will check in with the appointee on a regular basis for a progress update on the committee’s work. Periodic updates will be made to the Executive Council by either the President or the appointee.
- Any recommendations for actions made by the member to the Executive Council shall be placed on an upcoming executive council agenda, and member representative shall be asked to present the report and their recommendation at the Executive Council meeting.
- Once the appointment is concluded and the appointee has submitted their final report, the President shall send a letter of closure to the appointee acknowledging their contribution. The appointee shall be placed on the list of members to thank at the annual meeting, shall be automatically entered into any activist prize raffle or drawing (if applicable), and their service will be acknowledged in a communication to the membership by the President.
September 21, 2015: Initial Adoption
January 26, 2023: Added - dues-paying members of the Association under Applicability. 1. Added - President announces the opportunity for appointment. Deleted need for President and Executive Director to meet before consulting with EC. 4. Removed requirement for a check-in schedule written into appointment letters. 5. Removed instances of Executive Director and replaced with President or their designee.
9. Ballot Protocols in Executive Council Elections
Adopted February 11, 2016
Revised March 2, 2023
This policy establishes a consistent, recognizable format for ballot entries for Executive Council elections.
This policy applies to the ballot statements and ballots in elections for the Executive Council.
Need for the Policy:
Since 2011 a common ballot format and procedure has been used in presenting nominees to the membership in Executive Council elections. The format of the ballot includes two sections:
- a ballot entry header - this includes the nominee's previous service to PSU-AAUP, AAUP-Oregon, and National AAUP as well as the nominee’s rank or title, Department, and employee category.
- the nominee’s ballot statement, not to exceed 150 words.
The ballot entry header and the nominee’s ballot statement constitute the ballot entry for any election.
The Ballot for open Executive Council positions will follow the format established in this policy.
Date and Time of the Election
The election announcement, and the ballot, shall clearly state when the voting period begins, the length of time voting shall remain open, and how the election shall be conducted.
Order of Positions and Candidates
The ballot will list open positions, and the candidates for those positions, in order of responsibility as follows:
Vice President for Collective Bargaining
Vice President for Grievances and Academic Freedom
Vice President for Membership and Organizing
Vice President for Communications and Public Relations
Vice President for Legislative and Political Action
Councilors at Large
Nominees for each position will be listed in alphabetical order.
Identification of term, number of positions open, and the number of candidates
For each open position, the ballot shall identify the number of candidates for the position, and any special circumstances to the election, i.e. if an open position is for the partial term (the ballot will assume the election is for a full term position unless otherwise noted).
For positions in which there is more than one seat open, such as Councilors at Large, the ballot shall identify how many seats are open and how many votes can be cast for those seats.
Candidate Statements
Candidate statements are strictly limited to 150 words, as per the PSU-AAUP Constitution. All candidates should be encouraged to submit a ballot statement. The author of the ballot statement must be identified beneath the ballot statement. Neither the Nominations committee, or staff shall alter a candidate’s ballot statement, nor shall they provide any editorial assistance in the drafting of the statement. If statements are submitted that exceed the word count, or that misrepresent the nominee’s present or past AAUP service, they shall be returned to the candidate. Ballot statements that misrepresent present or past AAUP service will not be included on the ballot.
Ballot Entry and Ballot Entry Header
All ballot entries will follow the following format:
Position Name (Number of Candidates. Vote for how many positions)
Candidate Full Name (First Name Last Name)
Any PSU-AAUP Elected Officer positions held (present and past), any PSU-AAUP Appointment positions currently held, any AAUP-Oregon Elected and/or appointed positions held, present and past, any National AAUP elected and/or appointed positions held, present and past.
PSU Rank or Title. Department. Employee Category (AP, T, or NTTF)
Candidate Statement not to exceed 150 words
[This statement was submitted by nominee or name]
A thin line shall separate each ballot entry
A thick line shall separate positions open
Each winter term, this policy should be provided to the nomination and election committee, once they are appointed, and to each nominee for executive council office. It should also be posted on the PSU-AAUP webpage with Association Policies.
March 2, 2023: Added two new positions since created (VP for Communications and Public Relations and VP for Legislative and Political Action). Removed each January as part of distribution to the nomination committee and replaced with each winter term, once they are appointed.
10. Conferences and Conference Travel
Adopted March 3, 2016
Revised April 25, 2023
This policy is established to provide a framework for the payment and/or reimbursement for Conferences and Conference Travel.
This policy applies to PSU-AAUP members.
Training is provided and funded by member dues to build and enhance the ability of the Association to provide advocacy for its membership. The Executive Council will fund Conferences and travel to/from conferences that will provide training and guidance to members in the development and performance of their PSU-AAUP duties, as applicable.
Conference attendance and travel for members and member leaders shall be approved by the Executive Council in advance. No reimbursement shall be made for conferences or conference travel that was not pre-approved by the Executive Council.
Expenses eligible for payment:
The Executive Council will pay or reimburse conference tuition and fees, all travel to and from the conference (air and ground), and meals (3 meals per day). Actual receipts may be submitted for meals, or the member may expense per diem at the IRS approved rate for any meal that is not provided by the conference as part of tuition and fees, or any travel expense that is not part of transportation costs.
Member leaders whose conference attendance and travel is approved can either pay all expenses and seek reimbursement from PSU-AAUP, or request PSU-AAUP staff to pay the conference tuition and fees, and airfare (if applicable) and the member can then request reimbursement for ground travel, hotel, and meals, or any combination thereof.
All requests for reimbursement shall be on the PSU-AAUP Reimbursement Request form. All original receipts shall be presented in person or provided electronically, along with the form. The reimbursement form shall be signed by the submitter.
Timelines for Reimbursement:
Reimbursement requests should be submitted to the Administrative Director within 60 days from the return from the conference. All reimbursement requests must be received in accordance with Association Policy 11: Deadline for Reimbursement Requests.
April 25, 2023: Applicability and Policy specifies PSU-AAUP members and no longer elected, appointed leaders as long as there is development of PSU-AAUP duties. Updated references of Executive Director to Administrative Director and points to Association Policy 11 for deadline of requests.
11. Deadline for Reimbursement Requests for Approved Asociation Expenses
Adopted May 26, 2016
Revised April 25, 2023
This policy is established to clarify deadlines for reimbursements requests for approved Association expenses, and requests for payment of awards from Association award activities, from members and staff.
This policy applies to the payment of reimbursement requests for approved Association expenses and the payment for awards from Association award activities with Association funds.
The Association operates on a fiscal calendar from January 1 to December 31 of each year. The end of the fiscal year is the formal closing of the books for the fiscal year.
Reimbursements requests should be submitted in a timely manner throughout the year, with a final deadline of January 15th, at the close of the calendar year.
April 25, 2023: Removed prior table of reimbursement types and deadlines since they all follow the same deadline.
12. Employment Policies and Procedures
Adopted February 9, 2017
Revised December 16, 2024
13. Portfolio Holder Laptop Policy
Adopted May 17, 2018
Revised March 9, 2023
This policy is established to provide reasonable safeguards and controls over the use of Association laptops when provided to member leaders who have portfolios to perform duties for the Association.
While this policy applies to all members who may borrow Association computers to perform duties for the Association, the policy is specifically designed to address the needs of elected or appointed member leaders that are portfolio holders who do not personally have a computer to manage those portfolios. These member leaders may request the Association provide a computer to perform those duties.
General Provisions:
- Portland State University provides members with computers to perform duties for Portland State University. While members are allowed to use those computers outside normal work hours for personal business and this could include Association business, as a matter of policy the Association has determined that such use should be kept to a minimum and should not involve use that would leave records of activity that are proprietary to the Association (such as confidential memos, bargaining notes, strategy documents, member lists, etc.).
- A member leader who needs a computer for their portfolio must submit a request to the Association President or their designee. The request will be forwarded to the Finance Committee, to be considered for approval.
- If approved, the Association will either purchase a computer or provide one that is available.
- The computer will remain the property of the Association and is on loan to the portfolio holder for the duration of the time they are managing the portfolio.
- The portfolio holder will sign a receipt for the laptop that accepts responsibility for the computer and shall sign the agreement established in Appendix A.
March 9, 2023: Removed brand specificity of computer from Provision 3. Removed any mention of Executive Director and replaced with President or their designee. In Appendix A (13), replaced Membership Coordinator with Administrative Director.
14. PSU Assistance Fund Policy
Adopted July 16, 2020
Revision adopted December 20, 2021
Revised April 4, 2023
To establish the PSU-Assistance Fund to provide financial support to PSU-AAUP members in need.
This policy applies to PSU-AAUP Members
PSU-AAUP dues-paying members who earn the 110% of the median salary of PSU-AAUP members or below are eligible for assistance. Eligibility for support may be modified by the Executive Council.
Natural disaster, personal tragedy, and financial hardship can happen unexpectedly. To support PSU-AAUP members in a time of need, PSU-AAUP has established the Assistance Fund where members and the community can donate into this fund. Members can make donations to the fund and members in need can apply for assistance and relief.
The goal of the fund is to provide financial support for eligible AAUP Members who are experiencing financial hardship. “Financial hardship” may include but is not limited to circumstances such as sudden loss of income; housing insecurity; family crisis; urgent need; unanticipated or catastrophic losses, or loss of wages from work stoppage (strike). This fund will provide no more than $500, per academic year, to up to ten (10) dues-paying members who request the funds and to the extent that funds are available.
When a member expresses financial hardship as the reason for discontinuing their membership, and their membership application falls under the annual cancellation policy as outlined in association Bylaw 15, then the assistance fund can be activated, for that member only, by a vote of the EC. This will be regardless of the member’s salary, in the balance of their annual dues, not to exceed $500.00. The member will need to submit an assistance fund application, and the application is subject to the process outlined in this policy. The member must continue to pay dues at least until the cancellation period, in order to be eligible for the assistance fund. The member is not eligible to receive the specific assistance outlined if they apply during the months of July and August.
An Assistance Fund Committee will consist of AAUP members (one AP, NTT and TT) selected by the EC (in accordance with Association Policy 7). This committee will receive and approve applications based on completeness, to verify the application is not a duplicate, verify applicant is eligible based on salary, and to verify the application is from a dues-paying PSU-AAUP member. The committee will send a list of approved names and addresses to PSU-AAUP’s Administrative Director so a check can be distributed to the members approved for assistance funds. All applications and information are kept in strict confidence.
Application Process:
Members fill out an online application to help ensure all funds are distributed efficiently and equitably. This application will be located on the PSU-AAUP website. When funds are available, that availability will be announced in Member News. The application seeks personal information such as name payable to, mailing address, email address and amount requested. The application is sent to the PSU-AAUP Administrative Director to be processed by the Assistance Fund Committee.
Members are eligible to apply and receive support twice an academic year if funds are available. Members may receive no more than $500 in one academic year. Multiple applications from the same member cannot be for the same hardship in one year. Should the total amount of requested support exceed the amount of money available, either through Executive Council allocation from general funds or from solicited donations, the Assistance Fund committee will prorate the individual member award amount based on the funds available so that all members requesting support can receive funding. Checks will be issued to the members in order of the lowest annual salary to the highest annual salary.
Management of the Assistance Fund:
The Administrative Director (or Treasurer/President in the event the Administrative Director is not able to do so) will write the check for the member(s) requesting the funds. The committee/treasurer will ensure funds are being spent in compliance with the intent and the account not being overspent. The administrative functions for this fund such as marketing and customer service is interwoven with the existing AAUP administration office and other subcommittees.
In July 2020, the initial one-time funding of $30,000 will be provided by PSU-AAUP reserve funds as voted on June 18, 2020 by the Executive Council. The source of funding will vary over time, based on funding needs. This may be ongoing funding from members as direct donations, through payroll deductions, fundraising, or funding from PSU-AAUP Reserve funds by a vote of the Executive Council.
Donations to the PSU-AAUP Assistance Fund:
Donations to the PSU-AAUP Assistance Fund will be made through a charity or donation platform, or similar provider, approved by the Executive Council The PSU-AAUP Administrative Director will establish and maintain the approved donation platform account, and will arrange for disbursements from the account to the PSU-AAUP Assistance Fund. The disbursements to the Assistance Fund will be made after any donation platform account fees and donation fees, if any. Donations to the established donation platform account will be occasionally solicited by the Association in a “call for donations” in Member News.
Disbursements of funds donated will be made consistent with the policy above.
July 16, 2020: Original
November 5, 2020: Removed Required quarterly cycle; limited eligibility to 110% of median annual salary rate for PSU-AAUP members; established prorate process for approvals that exceeded the monetary allotment by the Executive Council; established order of payment, lowest paid members first; created a process to solicit donations to the Assistance Fund to increase the amount available for disbursement.
December 20, 2021: Added third paragraph under Policy. Establishing additional guidelines when a member expresses financial hardship as the reason for discontinuing their membership.
April 04, 2023: Added “dues-paying” to Eligibility to specify dues-paying members can only apply. Updated Policy section so ten members per year can apply for funds. Added balance restrictions under Policy in the case of discontinuing membership. Removed instances of Executive Director and replaced with Administrative Director to help manage and distribute funds. Updated Donation section to non-specified donation platforms. Removed the two-week donation period limit.
15. Document Retention Policy
Adopted October 31, 2024
This document constitutes the Document Retention Policy and Procedures (hereinafter the “Policy”) of the Portland State University Chapter of American Association of University Professors (PSU-AAUP). PSU-AAUP records must be retained so long as the records are: (1) necessary to the current conduct of Union business; (2) required to be retained by applicable statute or regulation; (3) relevant to pending or foreseeable investigations or litigation; or (4) of historical value to the Union.
1. Coverage. The Policy covers the PSU-AAUP Office(s) and Committees. All PSU-AAUP Officers, Office Staff, Committee members and Local Union representatives are required to adhere to this Policy.
2. Administration of the Policy. The PSU-AAUP Executive Council will administer the Policy. The Executive Council may delegate its administrative responsibilities under this Section to the Administrative Director.
3. Document Retention Schedule. Records of the PSU-AAUP Office, and PSU-AAUP Committees must be maintained in accordance with the attached Document Retention Schedule. The Administrative Director will conduct an annual review of both document retention schedules to ensure that the timeframes comport with applicable law, rule, or regulation and meet the Union’s needs. Any amendments to either document retention schedule must be made in accordance with Section 12, below.
4. Education and Updates. The Administrative Director will ensure that all PSU-AAUP Office employees, and Executive Council members are notified of and educated on the Policy prior to its implementation. In the event that either document retention schedule is revised, Administrative Director will issue an electronic notice with the revised document retention schedule to those employees affected by the change(s). This policy and any updates will be included on the PSU-AAUP website.
5. Electronic Records. All records, including those maintained in electronic format, are covered by the Policy. Documents in electronic format may be retained and disposed of in the same manner as hard copy documents. If not causing spatial issues in the database, electronic documents may be kept indefinitely, in Archived folders. Electronic mail is not covered by the Policy.
6. Retention Method. Documents may be stored electronically and/or in hard copy, depending on the retention method prescribed in the applicable document retention schedule. Where the applicable document retention schedule indicates “E,” one copy of the document must be stored electronically, as defined below, and any hard copies must be destroyed. Where the applicable document retention schedule indicates “E and H,” one copy of the document must be stored electronically with a hard copy backup. Where the applicable document retention schedule indicates “E or H,” the document may be retained either as an electronic copy or in hard copy format. For example, documents of a certain type may have been retained in hard format in previous years but are now saved only in electronic format.
a. When saving documents electronically, please make efforts to minimize redundancies in electronic storage. For example, several employees should not maintain separate electronic copies of the same document unless necessary.
b. Maintain backup systems for all electronic storage.
c. Officers, employees, and Committee members are required to observe the following:
i. Method of Electronic Retention, PC Users. PC users must retain the required electronic documents using PSU-AAUP systems (e.g. Dropbox), unless the Document Retention Schedule prescribes another method.
ii. For documents created and used in Google Workspaces, those documents should be reviewed yearly, and all archival documents transferred to Dropbox for archival purposes. Any living documents subject to change may remain in Google Workspace.
iii. Other Methods. If the Document Retention Schedule prescribes another method of electronic storage, the document should be stored via that vehicle only, unless stated otherwise in the retention schedule.
7. Retention Timeframes Established by Law, Rule or Regulation. Notwithstanding any retention periods set forth in the applicable document retention schedule, PSU-AAUP records must be retained for at least the minimum period established by applicable law, rule, or regulation.
8. Destruction of Records. Destruction of PSU-AAUP records shall be carried out in accordance with the Policy and the applicable document retention schedule. All documents containing the personally identifiable information (e.g., full name, home address, date of birth, social security number) of an employee or member shall be shredded and all other documents shall be recycled. Any questions regarding destruction of documents should be directed to the President or their designee. If the purging entity believes that any document may be of historical significance, the documents should be provided to the Executive Council for review.
9. Pending or Foreseeable Litigation or Investigation. The destruction of records shall be suspended immediately upon receipt of legal process or other notice of pending or foreseeable investigation or litigation. In the event PSU-AAUP receives notice of pending or foreseeable litigation, the Administrative Director will issue a Red Alert Notice to all affected. The Red Alert Notice will provide instructions to those affected as to how to proceed. Immediately upon receipt of a Red Alert Notice, the Executive Council and its designees shall ensure that all records are secured to prevent the destruction of documents. This suspension shall be lifted only upon written authorization from the President or their designee.
10. Annual Audit. The Administrative Director, with the assistance of the Executive Council, will conduct an annual audit of PSU-AAUP records to ensure adherence to the Policy.
11. Violations of the Policy. Failure on the part of any PSU-AAUP employee to follow the Policy may result in civil and/or criminal sanctions against the organization and its employees, and/or disciplinary actions against the employees responsible. PSU-AAUP managers, Committee Chairs and Local Union representatives are required to periodically review any subordinates’ document retention practices to ensure that they are in compliance with the Policy.
12. Interpretation & Amendment of Policy. The Executive Council shall be responsible for interpreting the Policy. Any proposed amendments to the Policy or the document retention schedules must be submitted to and approved by the Executive Council. Amendments approved by the Executive Council will take effect immediately.
13. Effective Date. The Policy shall take effect as follows: October 31, 2024.