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Reductions in IELP

October 20, 2017 / PSU-AAUP

We last reported on October 5 that we were advised that reductions were coming in four units. As expected, the faculty members and the Association received the communication required by Article 18 Section 2 by October 15 from the Program Director of the Intensive English Language Program (IELP) that reductions are imminent, and that a so far unidentified number of NTTF-CA members will receive notices of layoff by December 15.

The reductions are driven by substantial reductions in IELP enrollment from abroad. While enrollments have been declining for several years, enrollments dropped an additional 30% in fall 2017 compared to fall 2016. 

Article 18 Section 2 is new, and layoffs of this magnitude were not considered when we bargained this language. The faculty members in IELP have identified the following issues so far that need to be addressed:

  1. What happens to faculty members who have submitted portfolios for Promotion or Continuous Appointment/
  2. How does rank of faculty members doing equivalent work impact their order of layoff and their order on the recall list?
  3. Does layoff- time on the recall list- count as a break in service?
  4. How would the acceptance of adjunct work in the unit impact a faculty members place on the recall list, if at all?
  5. Is there anyway to prevent administration from turning all of the positions subject to layoff into adjunct positions?

No doubt there will be many more questions we will need to answer. We discussed these questions briefly in Labor Management and administration has acknoledged we will likely have to bargain these issues.

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