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Demand to Bargain submitted for workload and grader support in SPH

November 13, 2017 / PSU-AAUP

The University was required to provide PSU-AAUP with notice, required by ORS 243.678, that the University intended to create a policy around workload and/or grader support in the School of Public Health. Though we did not receive notice, we acted on the information we learned as notice and submitted a DEMAND TO BARGAIN the decision and/or the effects of the decision to establish a workload policy, grader support policy, or any policy with similar impact in AAUP’s mandatory subjects of bargaining for faculty in the School of Public Health.

PSU-AAUP further demanded that the new workload and/or grader support policy be suspended, and that the status quo ante be maintained where faculty members are granted support as needed upon request.

We expect and hope to hear from administration soon to schedule dates for the first meeting. 

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