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Changes needed in shared governance documents about reductions

October 19, 2017 / PSU-AAUP

On October 5, 2017 we reported that we were advised of likely reductions in four units. The notification deadline has passed, and we received notice of layoffs in World Languages and Literature (WLL), the Intensive English Language program (IELP), and the Transnational Program. (All pursuant to Article 18 Section 2.)

When we created the Continuous Appointment (CA) system for NTTF in the last contract, we created a mechanism for reductions in force in NTTF- CA based on curricular or programmatic needs. These reductions may occur provided the reductions comported with applicable shared governance processes. As part of our review of these cases, we have learned that most departmental bylaws do not have language regarding reductions in force caused by curricular or programmatic changes. We highly recommend that units add language to their bylaws that address this issue.

The following is an example of recommended language. This is sample language and each department should approach the issue as is appropriate to their department:

New note: I have stricken out the language below so that it is not used. PSU-AAUP will be developing actual template language for this area with OAA. See our November 7, 2017 blog entry.  Please do not submit this sample language to OAA. 

Reductions in Personnel due to Programmatic or Curricular Changes

The faculty of a unit may decide that reductions in the number of faculty positions may be appropriate due to changes they wish to make in programmatic or curricular offerings. The procedure for programmatic or curricular change shall be as follows:

  1. The department shall assemble a curriculum committee of three to five faculty members who are eligible to vote pursuant to the department's bylaws to review the department's curriculum or programs. The committee shall create a proposal for programmatic or curricular changes, to include recommendations for changes in the employment in NTTF members and academic professionals, that contains the following: 
    1. a description of each recommended change; 
    2. the reason for the change; 
    3. how the change will support the department's mission; and
    4. how the change will not inhibit any departmental major or minor degree requirement, or any program affiliated with the program or curriculum in question.
  2. The proposal shall be specific about changes in faculty member requirements: if a position would be reduced, the proposal shall be specific about what reduction or elimination is sought. 
  3. The proposal will be submitted to the department chair, who will call a special meeting of the voting faculty of the department for the purposes of considering and voting on the proposal. 
  4. If the unit's bylaws do not have a quorum requirement for voting, then quorum for the discussion and vote is 50% of the voting faculty members. Attendance at the meeting will be noted, and minutes will be taken regarding the vote. 
  5. If a voting faculty member is the subject of the vote (i.e. their position is to be considered for reduction or elimination), they shall have a right to speak to the proposal for five (5) minutes, and then shall be excluded from the discussion and the vote.
  6. At the special meeting, the curriculum committee will present their proposal and recommendation. After the presentation is complete, it shall be voted on by the voting faculty members eligible to vote. Voting shall be by secret ballot. 
  7. The votes shall be tabulated immediately following the vote and any voting faculty member may observe the tabulation and challenge the election outcome if they disagree with the vote count.
  8. If the election is challenged by a voting faculty member, the vote shall be redone. The redo vote shall be rescheduled in advance, and a member of another department will be asked to oversee the redo voting process.
  9. Once all challenges have been resolved and an outcome is declared and certified, that outcome will be shared with the rest of the department and the Dean's office.



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