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Call for Nominations for the 2018 PSU-AAUP Executive Council

January 16, 2018 / PSU-AAUP

From: PSU-AAUP Nominations Committee

Your union - our union! - runs on volunteer steam.

We depend on the efforts of volunteers to:

  • support the bargaining team with contract action,
  • support the efforts of classified staff, part-time faculty and students in advocating for themselves and a high quality, affordable education,
  • voice the concerns of PSU faculty - which includes NTTF, academic professionals, and tenure track faculty – to members of the PSU Administration, the Oregon Legislature, the press and the community, and
  • have a good time doing it.

Elections Time

We’ll be electing people to serve from May 1, 2018 to April 30, 2020 in the following positions (1 of the councilor at large positions is for a one-year term ending April 30, 2019):

  • President
  • Vice President for Collective Bargaining
  • Vice President for Membership and Organizing
  • Councilor At Large (5 positions- 4 positions for 2-year terms, 1 position for a one-year term)

What is the commitment?

  • Executive Council members meet every Thursday during the term, from noon to 1:30. This is the minimal requirement for councilors at large, but our union needs councilors who can commit a couple of extra hours a week. Here is a link to a brief description of these positions on our Constitution. Anyone interested in running for Councilor at Large positions is strongly encouraged to talk to current councilors.


  • President and Vice President positions come with considerable time commitment and a high level of responsibility. Here is a link to a brief description of these positions on our Constitution. In addition, the work of the President and Vice Presidents’ is significantly defined by the portfolio commitments developed in the annual strategic plan. Anyone interested in running for these positions is strongly encouraged to talk to the incumbents of these positions to learn more about the work and commitment required.

Participating in any of these positions counts as University service, just like serving on a University committee.
You can nominate yourself, or speak to a friend that you want to nominate and nominate them.  It’s important to have a good mix of APs, NTTF, research faculty and tenure-related faculty.
We expect the vote to begin on or about March 1st.  Please send your nominations to the nominating committee by February 2, 2018. 

The nomination should include a candidate statement (submitted either by the candidate or a supporting member) of no more than 150 words.

To submit a nomination, send an email to Nominating Committee members Nancy Eichsteadt, Emily Ford, and Robert Schroeder via email by clicking on our names. You must be a member of the PSU-AAUP to nominate someone, or to be nominated. We will confirm everyone’s membership status and that each nominee is willing to participate.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Nancy Eichsteadt, Emily Ford, Robert Schroeder 
PSU-AAUP Nominating Committee

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